Colorful Odell Beckham Jr. Cleats Salute Late NBA Reporter Craig Sager

Share this: Craig Sager’s death Thursday after his lengthy bout with cancer touched many, including athletes outside the NBA world. New York Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. became the latest to honor the legendary TNT sideline reporter Sunday, when it was announced he would wear colorful cleats reminiscent of Sager’s suits, then auction them off to Sager’s foundation. Beckham can’t wear the cleats during the game because of the NFL’s strict uniform rules, but it appears he rocked them during pregame warmups. The cleats were taped up, but the salmon-colored sole seemed to give away what they were. Beckham isn’t the only NFL player planning to honor Sager with custom footwear. Earlier in the week, Detroit Lions wide receiver Golden Tate, whose