NASCAR Fan Wakes Up After Race, Discovers Family Left Her At Track

Share this: If you’ve ever been to a NASCAR race, you know how easy it is to accidentally leave something at the track. Like a cooler. Or a pair of sunglasses. Or a relative. That’s the fate that reportedly befell Jody Nash, a fan who attended Sunday’s Coca-Cola 600 with family only to wake up Monday to discover they’d all left, according to WBTV. “When she woke up, her friends were gone,” WBTV reporter Steve Ohnesorge says in a voiceover. Nash seemed to take it all in stride, toting around a Bud Light and remaining optimistic that someone would come back for her. “Hey mom, I’m OK,” Nash told WBTV. “I’m still here in Turn 2. … Will y’all come get me?” Apparently, Nash was found while