Tennis Ball Saver
- The Original One – That Works!
- Stores three tennis balls under pressure
- New bounce for every match
- Quality workmanship
- Made in the U.S.A.
The “Original” Tennis Ball Saver stores 3 tennis balls under 14lbs. of internal pressure per square inch. Don’t throw away good tennis balls for lack of bounce.
List Price: $ 12.99
Price: $ 7.95

Want to play table tennis but don’t have the room for an official size table? Look no further than the “Anywhere Table Tennis Set”…

Wilson now offers the Advantage Triple in a classic black and white cosmetic. Triple holds 2-3 racquets without covers….
I have 2 of these and love them. With the Tennis Ball Saver, I’ve used the same tennis balls for months no noticable loss in bounce. These are a must have for all tennis players and will save you lots of money on balls.
It works! Not that I’m surprised, because it makes perfect sense that it would.
Don’t use Vaseline or Petroleum Jelly to lubricate the O-ring according to the instructions. I’m sure the manufacturer did it for convenience, because lubricating with something is better than nothing, and explaining why not to use vaseline is just too complicated, but take my expert word on this. I work with O-rings for a living and know for a fact that Vaseline or Crisco or Olive oil are the worst possible lubricants to use, because they will penetrate the O-ring and slowly over time cause it to swell up and eventually not work correctly. USE SILICONE GREASE LIKE THIS: [..] It’s inexpensive and will not harm your O-ring.
It may seem goofy but it works!,
I had seen these around for years and a long time ago I was snobby enough to think I knew it all. I always was cynical enough to think it was simply a gimmick. But I couldn’t have been more wrong. This is my second unit which I plan to gift to my tennis partner but I have one that I have used for over 5 years and I can tell you that this thing flat works. I get so much more life out on my tennis balls that I could ever hope to by just putting them back in their cans. As long as the felt is holding up your tennis balls will bounce as new as when they were first opened. As long as I am playing I won’t be without one.