DA: “The Petrucci, the ‘original’ one, is the longer one. That’s the official fairing, shall we call it – the one that’s been homologated. But the rules allow you to remove material. So, what they’ve done is cut away this fairing and made this smaller version. The rules do allow you to remove material from the aero package. So, they’ve been very, very clever and said, ‘Okay, we’ll make it solid’ so you’ve got the outside and a strut, shall we call it. This is solid, so it’s not like bolted on or anything like that. It’s a molded piece and one piece. All they’ve done is cut away the bottom of it. So, when you see two different versions, it’s not. It’s just smaller versions, actually; the modification of the original full version cut away, because you are allowed to remove material.”