If Conor McGregor ever needs to be in two places at the same time, there’s a man out there who’s perfectly capable of helping out.
Meet Islam Badurgov: An insanely jacked professional street workout athlete who, despite being from Kazakhstan, looks an awful lot like “The Notorious” Irish MMA fighter. Badurgov, accompanied by a crew of cameramen and fake UFC minions, recently invaded Muscle Beach in Venice, Calif., where he convinced legions of fans that he actually was McGregor.
The results lie somewhere between incredible and pathetic, but are unquestionably entertaining. Watch it all go down in the video below:
As you can see, Badurgov put a lot of work into making this happen, as his hair, beard and tattoos all mirror McGregor’s.
Perhaps the most impressive part about this doppelganger is he even nailed McGregor’s charisma and mannerisms.
We’re willing to bet, though, that Badurgov isn’t nearly as good as the real McGregor at trash talking.