The bureaucratic procedure, which started last November when the Board of Directors of Santa Monica Spa, owners of the circuit, unanimously decided to accept the proposal to link the name of the circuit to the late Italian champion has now been completed. This task has been carried out in full agreement with the Simoncelli family.
The circuit now becomes the ‘Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli’.
Paolo Simoncelli, accompanied by his wife Rossella and by the family adviser Arnaldo Cappellini, said: “I‘m deeply touched in seeing the circuit of Misano named after Marco. We’ve received affection from all over the world in the recent months, but today is a very special day. I’m grateful to Santa Monica Spa, owners of the circuit, and to designer Aldo Drudi for having so nicely linked the name of Marco to the logo of the circuit.”
Umberto Trevi, Vice President of Santa Monica Spa, commented: “Today is a great day of sport; a day that marks the beginning of the transmission of Marco’s values. We have completed a complex bureaucratic process in the shortest possible time and now we will share with the family whatever in the future will affect Sic’s memory. It is an extraordinary day for us. The name of the circuit will be forever linked to Marco Simoncelli.”
Press release courtesy of the Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli.

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