Clue: he’s in this picture Those still reeling for the Crouchie-pays-for-sex debacle that totally ruined Abbey Clancy’s weekend might be interested to know that she’s sought advice from Toni Terry - JT’s rather put upon baby mama/wife. Crouchie, without wanting to speak too soon, it looks like you got away with it. Can everyone just move on and stop using hookers now, please? At least for a bit? (more…)
Tag: liverpool
Liverpool to face tough to pronounce Turkish side
Behold, the fourth or fifth greatest football trophy! Naturally, most of you won’t have been able to sleep last night, what with the draw for the second greatest cup competition in Europe due to take place today. In future, try The Spoiler’s Guaranteed Sleeping Technique, which involves a quick five mile run, half a bottle of strong whiskey, and a motivational Alan Shearer cassette tape - seriously, you’ll be asleep within hours! Anyway, here’s how the Premier League sides fared: Liverpool v Travzonspor Rapid Vienna v Aston Villa MORE TO COME…
Great news, Liverpool fans, Fernando Torres isn’t leaving!
Torres - staying put? News just in - Torres is staying at Liverpool. Or is he? The Spoiler shan’t be spooning any egg from the communal face just yet, after a summer of insisting that he’s definitely off to Chelsea. But, in the event that we have been wrong all along, worry not, disgruntled masses, the necessary steps shall be taken - humble pie will be ate, and the secret squirrel that delivered the information with unflappable confidence will be in that pie. (more…)