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Villa owner Lerner has no plans to sell

Aston Villa owner Randy Lerner has reiterated his commitment to the club, rejecting recent reports suggesting that he was ready to sell the club after five years in charge. • Blog: Spurs test for Villa PA PhotosRandy Lerner first took ownership of Aston Villa in 2006 Lerner, 49, first took control at Villa Park in 2006 but there have been rumours of late that the American businessman was pondering looking for a buyer to take the club off his hands. However, he insisted in an interview with The Times that he has no plans to do so as things stand. Asked whether he was still committed to Villa, he replied: "Yes.'' On whether he could envisage selling, Lerner responded: "No. Not unless it's something to do

Villa players text each other celebratory champagne bottles

A whole lot of texting went on It’s a shame really. Whilst Martin O’Neill was loitering outside Villa Park, pretending to change a tyre, but secretly waiting for a tearful Mourinho-like send off from his players, those little turds were reportedly sending one another text messages of champagne bottles, and humming “ding dong the witch has gone” while they were at it. (more…)